In honor of Isabella Mia

“The one who came to be known as Isabella Mia… 9pm, crossing the road in front of our car; we stopped; she hesitated and looked our way, then proceeded to dart in front of the oncoming car. We witnessed the hit; the tumbling; the still animal on the road. Within seconds we had the stunned baby off the pavement and into our car. There was hope! …no outward signs of trauma. On the ten minute rush to the hospital the little girl started to come around. The diagnosis: a scrape on the top of her head and, undeniably, very pregnant – or rather: in labor!!! We signed paperwork accepting financial responsibility for our newfound friend, went home and waited for word – which came at 5am: 3 healthy kittens! Through contacts at, all were entered into the adoption program and, once ready, found forever homes. It was photographing this mom and litter that gave me the bug to photograph the shelter cats and kittens for Second Chance as my wife and I continue to foster.” – Dave Berger

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